Category Archives: Poems

The kitchen floor

The kitchen floor

The workers who gutted the house didn’t touch the kitchen floor

They pulled up every other one

Except this 


The handyman I thought would come

Never did

So it became our task

First the thick wedges of tile and the layer underneath it

Gave way to more layers – linoleum, and more linoleum, and more tile

Five layers to the subfloor

They kept adding them on, the people who lived here before

Just covered over the old floor

Time after time

Covered over the stains

Covered over the scrapes

Covered over the torn parts

The damage

And every time things could be clean and neat for a while

Every layer on top brought a reprieve, hope, newness

And with each layer the people felt good for a while

(Until they were compelled to do it again)

But what was underneath never changed

Covering it over never changed what was underneath

Dust, dirt, mold, decay, rot

Alive, Awake, Avenge Enthusiastic

The only real revolutionary, people say, is a man who has nothing to lose” – MLK

I can’t sleep cause it’s a war zone in my head” – PTSD, G Herbo

the first person i ever slept with


my mother


my father


my grandparents


the first baby i ever held


aunts and uncles


three of the students i was closest to


the person who is the reason i am alive



But How Will We Pay For It?

We pay for it every day with our lives

We pay for it in anxiety, sleeplessness and depression

We’ll pay for it by taking back what was stolen from us

We pay for it sitting in debtor’s prison

We pay for it with GoFundMe

We’ll pay for it by shutting down the war machine

We pay for it rationing insulin

We pay for it with a pile of pulled teeth

We’ll pay for it by eliminating the parasitic profiteers

We pay for it in funerals

We pay for it in tears

We’ll pay for it by shutting down the streets, taking over the hospitals, crashing the stock market

We pay for it in gravestones and waiting rooms

We pay for it in overdoses

We’ll pay for it by liquidation and expropriation

We’ll pay for it in revolution 

New Poems!


I’ve been in silent meditation retreat for the last week at Vallecitos in (New) Mexico getting My. Whole. Life. Together. In deep gratitude for this time. The practice and the nature ignited my creativity and I wrote some new poems!

Please feel free to quote/use with attribution to Nijmie Dzurinko.

Family Traditions

Not saying I love you.

Not showing affection.

Working until you drop dead.

Being abandoned.

Being abused.

Watching people fighting.


Hating ourselves.

Hating each other.

Not speaking.

Not listening.

Telling lies.

Keeping secrets.

Dying without knowing

You were forgiven and

You did the best you could.


No-mind haiku

Please don’t ever ask

Me for advice because I

Don’t know anything


Doing Too Much 

Sometimes you cannot

Make things better but you can

Stop making them worse



there’s a man

hitting stone on stone

almost like he’s trying to

light a fire. but that’s not it.

he promptly drops one stone

into a mug of water as if

he’s making stone tea

i have no idea what he’s doing

and i probably never will

like any of us, i make up stories



This meditation is my way

Of honoring God

The Awakened Ones

Universal Consciousness

For breathing me

I am involuntarily alive

I can hold my breath but I cannot

Stop it at will

God breathes me and I simply

Pay attention

Pay homage

Thank you for this breath

Thank you for this life

The whole earth and everything in it is good


Starting Over

Who am I

but a series of stories

I tell myself


in order to remember

who I am?

starting over feels

impossible until

I remember

without these stories

every day is starting over

every moment is


We Need To Turn Dreamers Into Doers and Doers Into Dreamers


like walking on a path

is a process

so many little ants

like details

seem to be a distraction

from getting where you’re trying to go

but you must be careful not

to step on any because

to do so would be to

extinguish a life



Maybe  I have done enough

been enough

given enough

said enough – even when they didn’t

want to hear it. maybe they will

look back and say “now I understand”

or not

either way

I can’t keep wondering

A Persian Quatrain for the Times


My hands are not clean

You know what I mean

Appearance only matters

Truth is rarely seen


We importantly convened

And then our rooms were cleaned

By low-wage workers

That we claim somewhere in our schemes


We drank on the patio till late

Local and organic all the food we ate

A chance encounter with a ‘dozer* operator

Was a chance for the self-important to denigrate


Our ancestors’ bodies were commodities

Now we treat economics as an oddity

It doesn’t seem to glitter

Like the Ivory Tower scraps we codify


Yawning at our own contradictions

Yelling to each other we are above affliction

I write this on a computer

Built in slavery conditions


Below immigration trails are money flows

Hatred reigns when competition grows

We reject material reality

To obsess over celluloid woes


At base is a question we rarely debate

Who benefits from our acceptance of this fate?

As we play at loyal opposition

We maintain the hegemony of the corporate state


What would freedom be like?

What would freedom be like?


“Freedom is never voluntarily given from the oppressor

It must be demanded by the oppressed” – MLK


Freedom is connection

Our natural genius would shine

Because it hasn’t been stunted, suppressed, or squelched

It would not be illegal to be homeless

But to allow homelessness to exist

Families can heal and children grow up without shadows

Freedom over our time

Our goal to know what is real

Instead of to produce illusions

My freedom wouldn’t come at the expense of yours

Or yours at my expense

Freedom is trusting our leaders and our neighbors

Because our neighbors are our leaders and we are theirs

As much food as we need (and not more)

As much housing as we need (and not more)

Science and technology are the people’s tools

To solve, to heal, to sustain

Not to perpetuate injustice and inflict harm

Freedom would be curing cancer

Instead of making it an industry


Health in abundance

No need to escape your town, your hood, your past, your demons

Freedom is the right to beauty

Freedom is when loving is easy and hating is a struggle

The right to water

Determination and faith

Instead of coercion and fear

A mass awakening instead of a mass extinction

Children won’t have the opportunity to learn racism

Or that their mothers aren’t as important as their fathers

Or that they are not as important as adults

Freedom is the right to create, instead of working third shift, rushing all the time

Worth is measured by how much something helps

Freedom is breathing full breaths, unencumbered by asthma, fear of bombs and drones, pollution

True work is serving others

Green is everywhere, not money, but leaves

Humans don’t put humans in cages

Instead of berating ourselves for not thinking like the rich

We could shift our focus on the how to see each other, know each other, trust each other

It would be when assembling, speaking and voting are avenues to real results

Instead of a sorry comfort for our poverty

It would replace halftime shows with cheering for our children

It could never be built on the chains of others, the sweat of others, the soil of others

Freedom is balance

Freedom is the ability to assert our will

To make life on earth not a vicious competition for individual survival,

But a collective endeavor to ensure the survival of our species and our planet